Success Story and Updates!

Well, hello there stranger! It has been awhile! Glad to see you stop by!

Today I would like to highlight one of our success stories from the past year-you may remember her from JB 45: Nikki!

What brought you to Just Bakery?
I wasn’t on a good path in life and need to change my life around, and got the opportunity to join the program and decided to take it.
What aspect was the most impactful for you?
The support of all the people there and how they believed in me and didn’t give up on me.
How did the things you learned impact your life?
I got a great job at a country “golf” club and now I’m training to not only be a baker, but a chef, and if it wasn’t for this program I would of never got this opportunity.
How have things changed for you? (life, employment, living, relationships, etc.)
Doing this has changed my life. I have been clean for almost 2 years now, got off papers and haven’t had any legal problems. It has brought me closer to my sister as she is a chef- she and my brother in law moved me to Georgia and my life has changed for the best! They push me to keep on going in the culinary arts cause they see the passion I have for it since I did this program.
Nikki looking sharp in her chef jacket

Any words of advice for people who are considering taking the program?

Do it! Take this opportunity, you will have great people behind you that won’t give up on you and will do anything they can to help you succeed. If it wasn’t for them, there’s no telling where I would be.
Anything else you would like to add:
I just want to thank everyone for pushing me to do right and not giving up on me, I truly believe if it wasn’t for all of you I would be back on drugs and in and out of jail again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤

Thank you Nikki!!! You worked hard, took advantage of the opportunities, and didn’t let life bring you down (and it really tried to, many times)!! We are so happy to see how well you are doing and can’t wait to see where you go from here <3

We at JB and busily preparing for the incoming class JB 49- there is still space available if you are interested! I need applications by July 1- if you are interested, email me at We are so excited to be able to have people back in person!!

If you haven’t tried our ice cream sandwiches yet (made in collaboration with #sassycowcreamery)- what are you waiting for?!?! Troy mastered the Graham Cracker cookies for the S’mores and I’m telling you, it is next level 🔥🔥🔥 He’s also been working on the Rustic Sourdough, made with a living starter (kitchen pet: Gizmo)- for now, this is available in small amounts in the Storefront for Success on Saturdays only-so get in there tomorrow between 9:00 and 2:00 and pick up some goodies!!

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