Marlene is wrapping up JB 44’s classroom time moving into the kitchen only portion of the program! We will be starting a JB 45 in October!

The classroom is not just book work-we also do quite a bit of employment prep. We’ve been working on my resume and because of my lack of experience, I have decided to start a job in the fast food restaurant industry. As I have understood my resume is suppose to reflect my work ethnic. It is important to learn more about the company before applying because it helps show interest in working for them.

Candice’s Mindful Monday was about reactions to other people( actions and words)  and this paralleled the discussion in Anesis from last week. We discussed management of feelings and how to not be reactionary-how to control my feelings and emotions when interacting with people. That may mean pressing the pause button when you feel that you have talked to much. It is important to understand ones own words and actions because verbal and nonverbal communication play a role in any conversation. It is important to not be impulsive when your dealing with people and allow yourself time to not make rash decisions.

The new book, Management, relates to Supervision. The discussion this week was about reaction, verbal communication, body language, how others perceive you when when you interact with them, and giving feedback during the interaction. We also reviewed Maslow’s hierarchy.

In the kitchen we baked chocolate and double chocolate cookies. We also made banana muffins with cinnamon crunch topping. We also made milano tea cookies. Next week I will be in the kitchen three days a week and hopefully we will get to learn more!

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Did you see our big special this week? Pumpkin Caramel Cream Cheese Kringle-yessssss! Nothing welcomes fall like pumpkin 😉 Make sure to follow us on our Facebook and Twitter to see our weekly specials first!
