JB 46 has finished Week 3!!! Here is Kathy to give you a brief look at this week:
“Short week in days, but not in material. We had a four day week in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr holiday on Monday. Still full speed ahead in learning and homework capacity. This week we finished up Nutrition and have been preparing for the final next week. We are also preparing for our Nutrition presentations next week. These are on a topic of our choice that sparks our interest or you would like to learn more about.
In ServSafe this week we discussed food storage and proper holding temps. As we near the end of ServSafe, we prepare for a presentation as well as a final.
This week is pretty intense and I’m sure the following week will be just the same. I’m here for the ride. There’s a quote that’s says “ Nothing grows without water or in a comfortable place “, and that is feeling pretty accurate as we keep moving forward in Just Bakery.”
First test is always so stressful, but these guys have been rocking out the material and with some study time over the weekend should be good to go!
The Nutrition presentations should be really interesting this round too! Kathy found a immunity diet through her research and is going to present that to us, and Lisa is doing hers on the Islamic diet.
The students also started Cost this week. The last couple weeks we have been working on Baker’s Math (weights/volumes, fractions/decimals/percentages) and now we have moved into the real cost of a restaurant.
Our advisor came on on Thursday to run through the culinary program and process of applying to college, if they are interested in doing so. We also had one of our volunteers come on and discuss freelance writing as a primary or secondary income option.
We are quickly approaching the end of the first month-seriously, where does the time go. And while we have been flying through the classroom material, JB 45 has been finishing up their time in the kitchen. This week they made turtle cheesecakes, bread, of course cookies, and whatever else we needed to make! Remember, you can help us keep the students busy by ordering on goods! The website is restocked every Sunday with limited quantities, so make sure to get your orders in fast!