JB 47 Enters Month Three!

JB 47 finished Week 8 in the Just Bakery! That means next week marks their third month where they go kitchen only, three days a week, and can really start looking at employment opportunities!

This week Miles and David tackled their ServSafe tests this week. They are preparing to finish up their Nutrition test as well. They worked hard on their Nutrition presentations. Miles was very interested in the mysterious taste of Umami. we learned a lot in his presentation, especially MSG (the flavor enhancer).Turns out, MSG is a major source of umami. Though it got a bad rep in the past, scientists are finding it is not nearly as bad as we have been taught-in fact, using MSG in substitution of some salt in recipes can actually reduce peoples sodium intake! He also discussed the relationship of glutamate and GABA and how they can influence mental health. It was a very interesting presentation!

David researched organic foods, with the goal of teaching us what organic means, which foods to buy organic (the dirty dozen) and which foods don’t need to be organic (the clean fifteen). He also looked into how to afford more organic foods.

During Mindful Monday this week, Candice talked about relationships: forming, maintaining, and evaluating.


Have you tried our Cheesecake Oreo bars yet?? What about any of our new products??!  If not, you are missing out! Make sure to get your orders in! Your orders help keep our students busy, so really make Miles and David work for it this month! Remember, ordering closes on Friday, but reopens Sunday! Check out our products here!

If you haven’t taken the survey about the potential membership program we are thinking of starting, please do! We would love to hit 100 responses so our intern has some good data to work with before his time with us comes to an end. You can find the link here-it’ll take about two minutes!

As always, thank you so much for your continued support. Our next session starts May 3rd, so check back to meet JB 48!

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