Messy Measuring and Mixing Ahead

Bee and Jazmine just finished their last week of the classroom and are moving on to the ktichen only portion! No more long reading assignments, now they get to focus on the dough! Here is Bee to tell you about the week!

“Well…. it was the final week in the virtual classroom and we finished it off “just right”!

Powerpoint presentations for Nutrition took weeks of planning and research and we were relieved to shake off our nerves when we were greeted with applause and kudos afterward. I think we can both say that we are glad to have them over with (I know I was nervous-haha!) but in the end we did learn plenty of new interesting facts about the four fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E & K) and staying properly hydrated. And the neat part is we got to teach our program community a thing or two too 🙂

Our tasty gluten-sensitive and savory scone recipes turned out quite well this week and Sonja was all funny voices and smiles (maybe even more because she actually got to taste more than a bite guilt-free as a b-day treat 🙂 ) We continue practicing converting recipes from small batches to production-sized batches. We also worked really well as a team to produce a new muffin for all the Keto people in the community to enjoy. If you like them, we may just make you some more varieties in the future, so please give them a try by ordering here! 🙂

Jan joined us again this week from Project Respect to check in and make some jewelry while we talked about life and what the future holds. We didn’t get a bunch done this week because we got caught up in talking, but that is the nice flexibility of working with Jan. It was the last week with her and we will miss her calming presence in the classroom for our weekly visits, but I am sure fate will have it that we will be seeing her around again soon. Thanks for your grounded energy and the sense of safety you bring to people at Just Bakery Jan, everyone there (old and new) always likes seeing you on your visits 🙂

For any who may have been wondering, we both did very well preparing for the Nutrition certification test and passed this week! With three new certifications under our belt we are well on our way to bigger and bolder things. I don’t think either one of us can say it was easy, but it was definitely worth it and our passing scores on all three tests were well earned 🙂 (Yay us!) After all of that, I think we both gained a confidence boost. Only a few more weeks to go and lots of messy measuring and mixing ahead :)”

Can’t believe JB 43 is already done in the classroom,. I’m very proud of what they have accomplished these last two months! It is always sad as our groups move on, but it’s also exciting because we get to start a new group- we still have space in our August group so if you or anyone you know may be interested, please click the button below to send me an email and I can get you the application!

Email for App!

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