Time to Bake!

JB 49 has finally made it to the kitchen! Second month is awesome because it [...]

Full Speed Ahead

JB 46 has finished Week 3!!! Here is Kathy to give you a brief look [...]


November has me thinking about gratitude. I guess because Thanksgiving is right around the corner [...]

Juggling Lots, but Aiming for Success

“Moving into week 6 at Just Bakery, we started out as usual with some Bakers’ [...]

Getting Our Hands Metaphorically Dirty

“As JB 45 continues to learn more about and study Baker’s Math, Servsafe, and Nutrition, [...]

Keeping Focused

It is JB 44s last week before the kitchen starts! Here is Marlene to fill [...]

Tests and Presentations!

We’ll start things off this week with Bee’s summary of the week, and end with [...]

Keeping Busy!

This week was JB 43’s second week in the kitchen and the youth cohort’s second [...]

JB 43 Enters the Kitchen

JB 43 made it through the grueling first month of classroom only and finally started [...]