JB 52 Graduation Day!!!

JB 52 Graduation Day!!!

[ux_text font_size=”1.3″] Our Just Bakery Class 52 just graduated today and it was a little bittersweet.  It is amazing and such a moment filled with happiness seeing how far all three of them have come to get to this moment, but now its a little bit sad...
New Beginnings With The Just Bakery Family

New Beginnings With The Just Bakery Family

[ux_text font_size=”1″] We’re already in March of 2022, this year is going by fast and our students have been working so hard!  Cliff, one of our students who is in his third month meaning that he is done with the classroom and only works in the...
First Week of Class JB 53

First Week of Class JB 53

These amazingly delicious cupcakes were expertly decorated by Cliff who is in our pervious class JB-52, they are out of the classroom and have graduated to learning in the kitchen, with our Kitchen instructor Justin.   We started a new class JB-53 in the classroom...
Calm Before the Storm

Calm Before the Storm

This is the first week since our most recent class JB-52 is solely in the kitchen and no more classroom hours. Florenzo is having a feeling of accomplishment after just learning how to put the labels on the labeler machine and how to put back together the cookie...
Ain’t No Stopping Us Now!

Ain’t No Stopping Us Now!

This Week in Just Bakery Its been a week of Illnesses and Sickness, we did some Zoom and Internet classes, but still made it to school for our kitchen part of the program.  Its been a rough week for us mentally and physically.  The kitchen has been so amazing but...
JB 52 Made Snickedoodle Cookies

JB 52 Made Snickedoodle Cookies

This was our FIRST week in the Kitchen! Justin our Kitchen Instructor said that once the students get out of the classroom and into the Kitchen, that is when you find out who really wants this or not.  And that is also when the different personalities clash because in...